Pyramboia - a simple way to test webservices

I’m learning Django 1.7 lately and nothing better than practice and create something from scratch. I have a bunch of scripts to tests webservices(XML, soap, etc.) in python using requests library, it works well so far. It returns the time it spent running, the result in an XML format and based on these data I make decisions(send email, feed it to a monitoring tool, etc.). When it’s 1 or 2 scripts is easy to admin and make changes like the XML request, headers and so on....

September 29, 2014 · 5 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Being Lazy With Fabric - Part 1

I’m lazy when come to do repetitive tasks and it’s nice when machines do the work for us, specially boring ones like us sysadmins have to do daily. Example: Check if that file exists for me at N servers. Install a package on hundreds of servers. Delete a user on all servers and so on... Haven't you heard of fabric yet? Fabric is a Python library that provides automation using SSH(Paramiko), from copy files, execute tasks(normal or using sudo), prompt the user for input, deploy and whatever you can think of....

March 26, 2014 · 6 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene