Install Kernel 3.10 on CentOS 6.5

CentOS 6.5 ships with kernel 2.6 and it’s a quite old for now(CentOS 7 already comes with 3.10), but compile a kernel on CentOS is a mess and it’s not recommended. But fear no more, guys from Elrepo took care of that for us and made a package, let’s see how we can install it. Enable ELRepo Project repository rpm --import rpm -Uvh Install the kernel yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-lt Configure grub You also need edit /etc/grub....

October 25, 2014 · 1 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Pyramboia - a simple way to test webservices

I’m learning Django 1.7 lately and nothing better than practice and create something from scratch. I have a bunch of scripts to tests webservices(XML, soap, etc.) in python using requests library, it works well so far. It returns the time it spent running, the result in an XML format and based on these data I make decisions(send email, feed it to a monitoring tool, etc.). When it’s 1 or 2 scripts is easy to admin and make changes like the XML request, headers and so on....

September 29, 2014 · 5 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Monitoring CFEngine with Zabbix

I created a template to monitor CFEngine with Zabbix, that monitor processes, memory use and the promise summary log. Below what is included on the template: Process CF-serverd Process CF-monitord Process CF-execd Memory use process CF-serverd Memory use process CF-monitord Memory use process CF-execd Log cf-engine - Log view of /var/cfengine/promise_summary.log CFEngine listen port 5308 and generate alerts if (CF-serverd, CF-monitord, CF-execd) is down The template you can download it directly here: bit....

August 22, 2014 · 1 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Using Python to access SQL Server

Install the required packages UnixODBC and FreeTDS packages yum install -y unixODBC unixODBC-devel freetds Configure unixODBC Add the content below to the file /etc/odbcinst.ini [FreeTDS] Description=ODBC for SQL Server Driver=/usr/lib/ Setup=/usr/lib/ FileUsage=1 Configure FreeTDS Add the content below to the file /etc/freetds.conf tds version = 8 client charset = UTF-8 Install pypyodbc to Python handle ODBC connections pypyodc is a pure python ODBC interface. For more information access I’m using pip to install it....

August 7, 2014 · 2 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Zato Vagrant Box

Zato is the next generation ESB and application server written in Python and released under a commercial-friendly LGPL license. We are using Zato to implement a gateway to various XML services and to help the easy adoption of it we delivered a Vagrant box with Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits and Zato 1.1 pre-installed with PostgreSQL and Redis Click here to download it. Deploy it and start Zato vagrant box add Zato https://www....

June 30, 2014 · 1 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene