Pyora Updates

Hello all, If you used Pyora in the past, today I made some updates. Now it supports Python3 and the template was also updated to work with Zabbix 5.0, the 5.0 template is zabbix-template/Pyora.xml More info:

January 6, 2022 · 1 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Install Zabbix 2.4.6 from source on CentOS

I’m old fashion and in some cases I like to compile my stuff, Zabbix is one of these cases. You can add/remove features directly with ./configure, and mess around with some timeouts of zabbix_server and zabbix_agentd for example. In this tutorial, we will not change anything on the source code. We are going install Zabbix version 2.4.6 with MySQL, Nginx and PHP-FPM. This is the stack of what I use in production environments....

October 9, 2015 · 6 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server File Groups with Zabbix

In a previous post we installed the tools necessary to access Microsoft SQL Server, continuing our quest I needed to monitor some filegroups and decided to create something like Pyora. It only monitors filegroups (Primary used and Log used), but I plan to add more items like datasize, logcachehit, etc. The idea is pretty simple, ./ fetch data from SQL Server via Zabbix. Follow the instructions below to install and use it:...

April 30, 2015 · 2 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Using Mustache template system with CFEngine

Mustache is a template system logic-less(no ifs, else’s or for loops) and can be used for HTML, config files, source code and so on. CFEngine 3.6.x have support for Mustache, in this tutorial we will create a template and a CFEngine rule to parse the template and generate the file that we want. Create the template file /tmp/template.mustache My hostname is: {{hostname}} My name is: {{name}} Fruits that I like: {{fruits}} Our CFEngine file /tmp/parse_template....

April 13, 2015 · 1 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene

Monitoring CFEngine with Zabbix

I created a template to monitor CFEngine with Zabbix, that monitor processes, memory use and the promise summary log. Below what is included on the template: Process CF-serverd Process CF-monitord Process CF-execd Memory use process CF-serverd Memory use process CF-monitord Memory use process CF-execd Log cf-engine - Log view of /var/cfengine/promise_summary.log CFEngine listen port 5308 and generate alerts if (CF-serverd, CF-monitord, CF-execd) is down The template you can download it directly here: bit....

August 22, 2014 · 1 min · Danilo Fernando Chilene